- Speciality
- Occasionally smiling, but not too often
- Years experience
- Not enough
- Born
- You don't need to know
- Current company
- Still in school
- Previous Company
- no, really, I'm still in school
Public Declaration that Doesn't Declare Too Much
Firstly, my name is Vsevolod but people call me Seva ...and some people who can't pronounce Vsevolod call me Jack [let's be honest, it could have been worse and at least you know where the 'maybeJack' thing came from] This is one of those pages where I'm supposed to tell you interesting stuff about myself, but I'd rather tell you some of the things I'm interested in:
- My cat (quite large spotty Bengal - rules the house)
- My dog (he likes hugs! who doesn't? what can I say?)
- OSU! (annoyingly compelling)
- Tennis
- Water
- Longboarding
- Lame videos (other people's and my own)
- Sandwiches
- Burgers
- Biscuits
- Pancakes
- Pasta
- Punctuation
- ...all things in moderation, except punctuation
Some Quotes
You have to be odd to be number one
If you are brave enough to say 'Goodbye', life will reward you with a new 'Hello'
Whomever is trying to bring you down, is already below you
We can't solve problems using same the kind of thinking we used when we created them
's all good man